3xx. "Application of amber suppression to study the role of Tyr M210 in electron transfer in R. sphaeroides photosynthetic reaction centers”, Khoi N. Tran, Kaitlyn M. Faries, Nikki Magdaong, Irimpan I. Mathews, Jared B. Weaver, Jacob M. Kirsh, Dewey Holten, Christine Kirmaier, and Steven G. Boxer, submitted. [link​]
343. “Photosynthetic reaction center variants made via genetic code expansion Show Tyr at M210 tunes the Initial Electron Transfer Mechanism”, Jared Bryce Weaver, Chi-Yun Lin, Kaitlyn M. Faries, Irimpan Mathews, Silvia Russi, Dewey Holten, Christine Kirmaier, Steven G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (direct submission), 118, e2116439118 (2021). [pdf] [news]
325. "Local and Global Electric Field Asymmetry in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Miguel Saggu, Stephen D. Fried, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 123, 1527-1536 (2019). [pdf]
321. "Genetic Code Expansion in Rhodobacter sphaeroides to Incorporate Noncanonical Amino Acids into Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Jared Bryce Weaver and Steven G. Boxer, ACS Synth. Biol., 7, 1618-1628 (2018).[pdf]
301. “Putative Hydrogen Bond to Tyrosine M208 in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rhodobacter capsulatusSignificantly Slows Primary Charge Separation”, Miguel Saggu, Brett Carter, Xiaoxue Zhou, Kaitlyn Faries, Lynette Cegelski, Dewey Holten, Steven G. Boxer, and Christine Kirmaier, J. Phys. Chem. B, 118, 6721-6732 (2014). [pdf]
287. "Photochemistry of a Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center Missing the Initial Bacteriochlorophyll Electron Acceptor", Brett Carter, Steven G. Boxer, Dewey Holten, and Christine Kirmaier, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 9971-9982 (2012). [pdf]
264."Trapping the P+BL- Initial Intermediate State of Charge Separation in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Rhodobacter capsulatus", Brett Carter, Steven Boxer, Dewey Holten, and Christine Kirmaier, Biochemistry, 48 (12), 2571-2573, (2009). [pdf]
262."Stark Realities", Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 113, 2972-2983, (2009). [pdf]
257."Temperature Dependence of Electron Transfer to the M-Side Bacteriopheophytin in Rhodobacter capsulatus Reaction Centers", Jessica I. Chuang, Steven G. Boxer, Dewey Holten, and Christine Kirmaier, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 5487-5499, (2008). [pdf]
241. "Charge Delocalization in the Special-Pair Radical Cation of Mutant Reaction Centers of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides from Stark Spectra and Nonadiabatic Spectral Simulations", Pakorn Kanchanawong, Mats G. Dahlbom, Thomas P. Treynor, Jeffrey R. Reimers, Noel S. Hush, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 18688-18702 (2006).[pdf]
236. "High Yield of M-Side Electron Transfer in Mutants of Rhodobacter Capsulatus Reaction Centers Lacking the L-Side Bacteriopheophytin", Jessica I. Chuang, Steven G. Boxer, Dewey Holten, and Christine Kirmaier, Biochemistry, 45, 12, 3845-3851 (2006). [pdf]
224."Probing Excited-State Electron Transfer by Resonance Stark Spectroscopy: 4. Mutations near BL in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers Perturb Multiple Factors that Affect BL / f BL + HL", Thomas P. Treynor and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 13523-13535 (2004). [pdf]
223."Probing Excited-State Electron Transfer by Resonance Stark Spectroscopy: 3. Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications", Thomas P. Treynor and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 108, 13513-13522 (2004). [pdf]
220."Excited-State Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosynthetic reaction Centers: 5. Oxidized and Triplet Excited Special Pairs as Energy Acceptors", Brett A. King, Tim B. McAnaney, Alex de Winter, Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics, 294, 359-369 (2003). [pdf]
218."Intervalence Band Stark Effect of the Special Pair Radical Cation in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Thomas P. Treynor, Steven S. Andrews and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B, 107, 11230-11239 (2003). [pdf]
213."Energetics of Primary Charge Separation in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mutants: Triplet Decay in Large Magnetic Fields", Alex de Winter and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. A, 107, 3341-3350 (2003). [pdf]
192. "Excited State Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. 4. Asymmetric Energy Transfer in the Heterodimer Mutant", Brett A. King, Alex de Winter, Tim B. McAnaney, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys. Chem. B,105, 1856-1862 (2001). [pdf]
182. "Excited State Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. 3. Ultrafast Emission from the Monomeric Bacteriochlorophylls", Brett A. King, Tim B. McAnaney, Alex deWinter, and Steven G. Boxer, J. Phys Chem. B, 104, 8895-8902 (2000). [pdf]
175. "The Mechanism of Triplet Energy Transfer from the Special Pair to the Carotenoid in Bacterial Reaction Centers", Alex deWinter and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 103, 8786-8789 (1999). [pdf]
174. "Excited State Electronic Asymmetry of the Special Pair in Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mutants: Absorption and Stark Spectroscopy", Laura J. Moore, Huilin Zhou, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 38, 11949-11960 (1999).[pdf]
165. "Probing Excited State Electron Transfer by Resonance Stark Spectroscopy. II. Theory and Application," Huilin Zhou and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 102, 9148-9160 (1998). [pdf]
164. "Probing Excited State Electron Transfer by Resonance Stark Spectroscopy. I. Experimental Results for Photosynthetic Reaction Centers," Huilin Zhou and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 102, 9139-9147 (1998). [pdf]
162. "Interchromophore Interactions in Pigment-modified and Dimerless Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Laura J. Moore and Steven G. Boxer, Photosynthesis Research, 55, 173-180 (1998). [pdf]
153. "Characterization of the Light Harvesting Antennas of Photosynthetic Purple Bacteria by Stark Spectroscopy: I. LH1 Antenna Complex and the B820 Subunit from Rhodospirillum rubrum", Lucas M.P. Beekman, Martin Steffen, Ivo H.M. van Stokkum, John D. Olsen, C. Neil Hunter, Steven G. Boxer, and Rienk van Grondelle, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 101, 7284-7292 (1997). [pdf]
152. "Temperature Dependece of the Qy Resonance Raman Spectra of Bacteriochlorophylls, the Primary Electron Donor, and Bacteriopheophytins in the Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center", Nerine J. Cherepy, Andrew P. Shreve, Laura J. Moore, Steven G. Boxer, Richard A. Mathies, Biochemistry, 36, 8559-8566 (1997). [pdf]
150. "Charge Resonance Effects on Electronic Absorption Lineshapes: Application to the Heterodimer Absorption of Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Huilin Zhou and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 101, 5759-5766 (1997). [pdf]
149. "Excited State Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. 2. Heterodimer Special Pair", Brett A. King, Robert J. Stanley, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 101, 3644-3648 (1997). [pdf]
145. "Electronic and Nuclear Dynamics of the Accessory Bacteriochlorophylls in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers from Resonance Raman Intensities", Nerine J. Cherepy, Andrew P. Shreve, Laura J. Moore, Steven G. Boxer, and Richard A. Mathies, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 101, 3250-3260 (1997). [pdf]
140. "Architecture and Function of Membrane Proteins in Planar Supported Bilayers: A Study with Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Joshua Salafsky, Jay T. Groves, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 35, 14773-14781 (1996). [pdf]
137. "Rapid Isolation of Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers with an Engineered Poly-Histidine Tag", Joshua O. Goldsmith and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1276, 171-175 (1996). [pdf]
134. "Excited State Energy Transfer Pathways in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers. 1. Structural Symmetry Effects", Robert J. Stanley, Brett King, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100, 12052-12059 (1996). [pdf]
133. "Stark Spectroscopy of Photosynthetic Systems", Steven G. Boxer (J. Amesz and A. Hoff eds.), Biophysical Techniques in in Photosynthesis, Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 3, 177-189 (1996). [pdf]
129. "Mg Coordination by Amino Acid Side Chains is Not Required for Assembly and Function of the Special Pair in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Joshua O. Goldsmith, Brett King, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 35, 2421-2428 (1996). [pdf]
127. "Effects of Applied Electric Fields on the Quantum Yields for the Initial Electron Transfer Steps in Bacterial Photosynthesis: II. Dynamic Stark Effect", Kaiqin Lao, Stefan Franzen, Martin Steffen, David Lambright Robert Stanley, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics, 197, 259-275 (1995). [pdf]
121. "Oscillations in the Spontaneous Fluorescence from the Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Robert J. Stanley and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 859-863 (1995). [pdf]
120. "Higher-Order Stark Spectroscopy: Polarizability of Photosynthetic Pigments", Kaiqin Lao, Laura J. Moore, Huilin Zhou, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 99, 496-500 (1995). [pdf]
116. "Near-Infrared Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of the Special Pair and the Accessory Bacteriochlorophylls in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Nerine J. Cherepy, Andrew P. Shreve, Laura J. Moore, Stefan Franzen, Steven G. Boxer, and Richard A. Mathies, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 98, 6023-6029 (1994). [pdf]
113. "Dielectric Asymmetry in the Photosynthetic Reaction Center", Martin A. Steffen, Kaiqin Lao, and Steven G. Boxer, Science, 264, 810-816 (1994). [pdf]
110. "Energetics of the Initial Charge Separation in Bacterial Photosynthesis: the Triplet Decay in Very High Magnetic Fields", Richard A. Goldstein, Larry Takiff, and Steven G. Boxer (E. V. Mielczarek, E. Greenbaum, and R.S. Knox, eds.), Biological Physics, Key Papers in Physics, American Institute of Physics, New York, 411-421 (1993).
109. "Effects of Applied Electric Fields on the Quantum Yields of the Initial Electron-Transfer Steps in Bacterial Photosynthesis. 1. Quantum Yield Failure", Kaiqin Lao, Stefan Franzen, Robert J. Stanley, David G. Lambright, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 13165-13171 (1993). [pdf]
108. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of the 1250 nm P+ Band of Rhodobacter sphaeroides Reaction Centers and Related Model Compounds", Jonathan W. Stocker, Stephan Hug and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1144, 325-330 (1993). [pdf]
106. "Stark Effect (Electroabsorption) Spectroscopy of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers at 1.5 K: Evidence that the Special Pair has a Large Excited-State Polarizability", Thomas R. Middendorf, Laura T. Mazzola, Kaiqin Lao, Martin A. Steffen, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1144, 223-234 (1993). [pdf]
104. "Temperature Dependence of the Electric Field Modulation of Electron-Transfer Rates: Charge Recombination in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Stefan Franzen, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 6304-6318 (1993). [pdf]
103. "Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mutagenesis via Chimeric Rescue of a Non-functional Rhodobacter capsulatuspuf Operon with Sequences from Rhodobacter sphaeroides", Aileen K.W. Taguchi, Jonathan. W. Stocker, Steven G. Boxer, and Neal W. Woodbury, Photosynthesis Research, 36, 43-58 (1993). [pdf]
101. "Distance Dependence of Electron-Transfer Reactions in Organized Systems: The Role of Superexchange and Non-Condon Effects in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Stefan Franzen, Robert F. Goldstein, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 97, 3040-3053 (1993). [pdf]
100. "Photosynthetic Reaction Center Spectroscopy and Electron Transfer Dynamics in Applied Electric Fields", Steven G. Boxer (J. Deisenhofer and J.R. Norris, eds.), The Photosynthetic Reaction Center , Academic Press, 2, 179-220 (1993).
99. "Electric Field Effects on the Quantum Yields and Kinetics of Fluorescence and Transient Intermediates in Bacterial Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Stefan Franzen, Kaiqin Lao, David J. Lockhart, Robert Stanley, Martin Steffen, and Jonathan W. Stocker (J. Breton and A. Vermeglio, Eds.), The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center II, Plenum Press, New York, 271-282 (1992).
98. "Spectroscopic and Redox Properties of Sym1 and (M)F195H Rhodobacter capsulatus Reaction Center Symmetry Mutants Which Affect the Initial Electron Donor", Jonathan. W. Stocker, Aileen K.W. Taguchi, Heather A. Murchison, Neal W. Woodbury, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 31, 10356-10362 (1992). [pdf]
97. "Biochemical Characterization and Electron-Transfer Reactions of sym1, a Rhodobacter capsulatus Reaction Center Symmetry Mutant which Affects the Initial Electron Donor", Aileen K.W. Taguchi, Jonathan W. Stocker, Rhett G. Alden, Timothy P. Gausgrove, Jeffrey M. Pelequin, Steven G. Boxer, and Neal W. Woodbury, Biochemistry, 31, 10345-10355 (1992). [pdf]
95. "Some Speculations Concerning the Evolution of Photosynthetic Function", Steven G. Boxer, Photosynthesis Research, 33, 113-119 (1992). [pdf]
94. "Electric Field Effects on Kinetics of Electron Transfer Reactions: Connection Between Experiment and Theory", Stefan Franzen, Kaiqin Lao, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 197, 380 (1992). [pdf]
93. "Re-engineering Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Jon Stocker, Stefan Franzen, and Joshua Salafsky, (in Molecular Electronics Science and Technology, Ari Aviram, ed.), American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics, New York, 226-236 (1992).). [pdf]
91. "Studies of Crystalline Aggregates of Pheophorbide and Bacteriopheophorbide by Electro-Absorption (Stark Effect) Spectroscopy and Powder X-ray Diffraction", David S. Gottfried and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Luminescence(special issue), 51, 39-50 (1992). [pdf]
90. "Radical Pair Reaction Dynamics in Large Magnetic Fields: Application to the Initial Intermediate in Photosynthesis", Steven G. Boxer in Physical Phenomena at High Magnetic Field, E. Manousakas, P. Schlottmann, P. Kumar, K.S. Bedell, F.M. Mueller, Eds., Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., pp. 437-451 (1992).
88. "Rapid-flow Resonance Raman Spectroscopy of Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Andrew P. Shreve, Nerine J. Cherepy, Stefan Franzen, Steven G. Boxer, and Richard Mathies, Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 88, 11207-11211 (1991). [pdf]
86. "Photochemical Hole-Burning Spectroscopy of a Photosynthetic Reaction Center Mutant with Altered Charge Separation Kinetics: Properties and Decay of the Initially Excited State", Thomas R. Middendorf, Laura M. Mazzola, Dale F. Gaul, Craig C. Schenck, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95, 10142-10151 (1991). [pdf]
85. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of Carotenoids in Reaction Center and Antenna Complexes from Photosynthetic Bacteria", David S. Gottfried, Martin A. Steffen, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1059, 76-90 (1991). [pdf]
84. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of Bacteriochlorophyll in Light-harvesting Complexes from Photosynthetic Bacteria", David S. Gottfried, Jonathan Stocker, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1059, 63-75 (1991). [pdf]
82. "Manipulation of Electron-Transfer Reaction Rates with Applied Electric Fields: Application of Long Distance Charge Recombination in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Stefan Franzen, and Steven G. Boxer (J.R. Bolton, N. Mataga, G. McLendon, eds.), Advances in Chemistry Series, 228, 149-162 (1991).
81. "Electric Field Effects on Emission Line Shapes when Electron Transfer Competes with Emission: an Example from Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", David J. Lockhart, Sharon L. Hammes, Stefan Franzen. and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 95, 2217-2226 (1991). [pdf]
80. "Large Protein-Induced Dipoles for a Symmetric Carotenoid in a Photosynthetic Antenna Complex", David S. Gottfried, Martin A. Steffen, and Steven G. Boxer, Science, 251, 662-665 (1991). [pdf]
79. "Site-directed Mutations Affecting Primary Photochemistry in Reaction Centers: Effects of Dissymmetry in the Special Pair", C. C. Schenck, D. Gaul, M. Steffen, S. G. Boxer, L. M. McDowell, C. Kirmaier, and D. Holten, Springer Series in Biophysics (M.-E. Michel-Beyerle, Ed.), 6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 229-238 (1990).
78. "Electric Field Modulation of the Fluorescence Lineshape for Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: A New Probe of the Primary Electron Transfer Mechanism", S. G. Boxer, D. J. Lockhart, S. Franzen and S. H. Hammes, Springer Series in Biophysics (M.-E. Michel-Beyerle, Ed.), 6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 147-155 (1990).
77. "Preliminary Characterization of pAT-3, a Symmetry Enhanced Reaction Center Mutant of Rhodobacter capsulatus", N. W. Woodbury, A. K. Taguchi, J. W. Stocker, and S. G. Boxer, Springer Series in Biophysics (M.-E. Michel-Beyerle, Ed.), 6, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 303-312 (1990).
75. "Electric Field Effects on the Initial Electron-Transfer Kinetics in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", David J. Lockhart, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 94, 6987-6995 (1990). [pdf]
73. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides Reaction Center Heterodimer Mutant", Sharon Hammes, Laura Mazzola, Steven G. Boxer, Dale F. Gaul, and Craig C. Schenck, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 87, 5682-5686 (1990). [pdf]
72. "Electric Field Modulation of Electron Transfer Reaction Rates in Isotropic Systems: Long-Distance Charge Recombination in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Stefan Franzen, Robert F. Goldstein, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 94, 5135-5149 (1990). [pdf]
71. "Chimeric Rescue of Rb. capsulatus Reaction Center Genes with Sequences from Rb. sphaeroides", Aileen K. Taguchi, Neal W. Woodbury, Jon W. Stocker, and Steven G. Boxer, in Current Research in Photosynthesis, M. Baltscheffsky, Ed., Kluwer, Dordrecht, Vol. 3, pp. 529-532 (1990). [pdf]
70. "Electric Field Effects on the Initial PS Electron Transfer Kinetics and Spectra of Wild-Type and Heterodimer Mutant Rb. sphaeroides Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, David J. Lockhart, Sharon Hammes, Laura Mazzola, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, Dale Gaul, and Craig Schenck, in Current Research in Photosynthesis, M. Baltscheffsky, Ed., Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1, 113-116 (1990).
68. "Mechanisms of Long Distance Electron Transfer in Proteins: Lessons from Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Annual Reviews of Biophysics and Biophysical Chemistry, 19, 267-299 (1990). [pdf]
67. "Mechanism of Charge Separation in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: Electric Field Effects on the Initial Electron Transfer Kinetics", Steven G. Boxer, David J. Lockhart, Christine Kirmaier, and Dewey Holten, Proceedings of the 22nd Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, J. Jortner and B. Pullman, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 39-52 (1990).
66. "Excited States, Electron Transfer Reactions, and Intermediates in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Richard A. Goldstein, David J. Lockhart, Thomas R. Middendorf and Larry Takiff, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 93, 8280-8294 (1989). [pdf]
65. "The Effect of Very High Magnetic Fields on the Reaction Dynamics in Bacterial Reaction Centers: Implications for the Reaction Mechanism", Richard A. Goldstein and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 977, 78-86 (1989). [pdf]
64. "The Effect of Very High Magnetic Fields on the Delayed Fluorescence from Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Richard Goldstein and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 977, 70-77 (1989). [pdf]
63. "A High Precision Structure of a Bacteriochlorophyll Derivative, Methyl Bacteriopheophorbide a", K.M. Barkigia, D.S. Gottfried, Steven G. Boxer, and J. Fajer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 111, 6444-6446 (1989). [pdf]
56. "Electric Field Effects on Electron Transfer Reaction in Isotropic Systems", Steven G. Boxer, David J. Lockhart, and Stefan Franzen, in Photochemical Energy Conversion, J.R. Norris, Jr. and D. Meisel, Eds., Elsevier, New York, pp. 196-210 (1989).
55. "The Uses of Magnetic and Electric Fields to Probe Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions", Steven G. Boxer, Richard A. Goldstein, and Stefan Franzen, in Photoinduced Electron Transfer (M.A. Fox and M. Chanon, Eds.), Volume B, pp. 163-215, 1988, Elsevier Press, Amsterdam.
54. "Structure-Based Analysis of the Initial Electron Transfer Step in Bacterial Photosynthesis: Electric Field Induced Fluorescence Anisotropy", David J. Lockhart, Robert F. Goldstein, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Chemical Physics, 89, 1408-1415 (1988). [pdf]
53. "Phosphorescence Spectra of Bacteriochlorophylls", Larry Takiff and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 110, 4425-4426 (1988). [pdf]
52. "Energetics of Initial Charge Separation in Bacterial Photosynthesis: The Triplet Decay Rate in Very High Magnetic Fields", Richard A. Goldstein, Larry Takiff, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 934, 253-263 (1988).[pdf]
51. "The Nature of Excited States and Intermediates in Bacterial Photosynthesis", Steven G. Boxer, Richard A. Goldstein, David J. Lockhart, Thomas R. Middendorf, and Larry Takiff, in The Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Center: Structure and Dynamics, NATO ASI Series, Series A, Volume 149 (J. Breton and A. Vermeglio, eds.), Plenum, pp. 165-176 (1988).
50. "Phosphorescence from the Primary Electron Donor in Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas viridis Reaction Centers", Larry Takiff and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 932, 325-334 (1988). [pdf]
48. "Electric Field Modulation of the Fluorescence Spectrum from Rhodobacter Sphaeroides Reaction Centers", David J. Lockhart and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 144, 243-250 (1988). [pdf]
47. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides and Rhodopseudomonas Viridis Reaction Centers," David J. Lockhart and Steven G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A., 85, 107-111 (1988).[pdf]
46. "Photochemical Holeburning and Stark Spectroscopy of Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, David J. Lockhart, and Thomas R. Middendorf, Springer Proceedings in Physics, 20, 80-90 (1987).
45. "Structure and Function in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, in Biological Organization: Macromolecular Interactions at High Resolution, P & S Medical Sciences Symposia, R.M. Burnett, and H. J. Vogel, eds., Academic Press, New York, 271-282 (1987).
44. "Effects of Nuclear Spin Polarization on Reaction Dynamics in Photosynthetic Bacterial Reaction Centers", Richard A. Goldstein, and Steven G. Boxer, Biophysical Journal, 51, 937-946 (1987). [pdf]
43. "Photochemical and Non-Photochemical Holeburning Studies of Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers and Model Systems", Steven G. Boxer, Thomas R. Middendorf, David J. Lockhart, and David Gottfried, Progress in Photosynthesis Research (ed. J. Biggins) Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1, 1.17-1.24, (1987).
42. "Nonphotochemical Holeburning in a Protein Matrix: Chlorophyllide in Apomyoglobin", Steven G. Boxer, David Gottfried, David Lockhart, and Tom Middendorf, Journal of Chemical Physics, 86, 2439-2441 (1987). [pdf]
41. "Magnitude and Direction of the Change in Dipole Moment Associated with Excitation of the Primary Electron Donor in Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides Reaction Centers", David J. Lockhart, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 26, 664-668; (1987). [pdf]
40. "Electron and Energy Transfer in Real and Artificial Photosynthetic Systems", S.G. Boxer, A. Kuki, D.J. Lockhart, T.R. Middendorf, and R. Moog, in Proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Energy Transfer, August 1985, J. Pantoflicek and P. Pancoska, eds., 108-115 (1986).
38. "Reversible Photochemical Holeburning in Rhodopseudomonas viridis Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Thomas R. Middendorf and David J. Lockhart, FEBS Letters, 200, 237-241 (1986). [pdf]
37. "Photochemical Hole-burning in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, David J. Lockhart, and Thomas R. Middendorf, Chemical Physics Letters, 123, 476-482 (1986). [pdf]
36. "Structure and Energetics in Reaction Centers and Semi-Synthetic Chlorophyll Protein Complexes", Steven G. Boxer, in Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria - Structure, Interactions, and Dynamics, M.E. Michel-Beyerle, editor, Series in Chemical Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 306-313 (1985).
35. "Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Triplet State Lifetime in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: Evidence for Thermal Repopulation of the Initial Radical Pair", Christopher E. D. Chidsey, Larry Takiff, Richard Goldstein, and Steven G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 82, 6850-6854 (1985). [pdf]
33. "Magnetic Field Dependence of Radical Pair Decay Kinetics and Molecular Triplet Quantum Yield in Quinone-Depleted Reaction Centers", Christopher E. D. Chidsey, Christine Kirmaier, Dewey Holten, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 766, 424-437 (1984). [pdf]
32. "Magnetic Field Effects and NMR of Bacterial Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Christopher E. D. Chidsey, Joseph Fischer, Larry Takiff, Christine Kirmaier, and Dewey Holten, in Advances in Photosynthesis Research, Sybesma, C. (Ed.), Vol. I, pp. 223-226 (1984).
29. "Excitation Transport and Trapping in a Synthetic Chlorophyllide Substituted Hemoglobin: The Orientation of the Chlorophyll S1 Transition Dipole", Richard S. Moog, Atsuo Kuki, M.D. Fayer, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 23, 1564-1571 (1984). [pdf]
28. "Model Reactions in Photosynthesis", Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta Reviews in Bioenergetics, 726, 265-292 (1983). [pdf]
27. "Chlorophyll-Protein Interactions", Steven G. Boxer, Yearbook of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, pp. 119-121 (1983).
26. "Magnetic Field Effects on Reaction Yields in the Solid-State: An Example from Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Christopher E. D. Chidsey, and Mark G. Roelofs, Annual Reviews of Physical Chemistry, 34, 389-417 (1983). [pdf]
25. "Chlorophyllide-substituted Hemoglobin Tetramers and Hybrids: Preparation, Properties and Energy Transfer", Atsuo Kuki and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 22, 2923-2933 (1983). [pdf]
23. "Investigation of the Lowest Triplet State of the Pyrochlorophyllide a- Apomyoglobin Complex by Zero-field Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance", Richard H. Clarke, Eugene B. Hanlon, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 89, 41-44 (1982). [pdf]
22. "Anisotropic Magnetic Interactions in the Primary Radical-Ion Pair in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Christopher E.D. Chidsey, and Mark G. Roelofs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 79, 4632-4636 (1982). [pdf]
21. "A Picosecond Spectroscopic Study of Chlorophyll-Based Models for the Primary Photochemistry of Photosynthesis", Rodney R. Bucks, Thomas L. Netzel, Itchura Fujita, and Steven G. Boxer, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 86, 1947-1955 (1982). [pdf]
19. "Dependence of the Yield of a Radical-Pair Reaction in the Solid State on Orientation in a Magnetic Field", Steven G. Boxer, Christopher E.D. Chidsey, and Mark G. Roelofs, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 104, 2674-2675 (1982). [pdf]
18. "Contribution of Spin-Spin Interactions to the Magnetic Field Dependence of the Triplet Quantum Yield in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Mark G. Roelofs, Christopher E.D. Chidsey, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 87, 582-588 (1982). [pdf]
17. "The Use of Large Magnetic Fields to Probe Photoinduced Electron Transfer Reactions: An Example from Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Steven G. Boxer, Christopher E.D. Chidsey, and Mark G. Roelofs, The Journal of the American Chemical Society, 104, 1452-1454 (1982). [pdf]
16. "Oriented Properties of the Chlorophylls: Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy of Orthorhombic Pyrochlorophyllide a-apomyoglobin Single Crystals", Steven G. Boxer, Atsuo Kuki, Karen A. Wright, Bradley A. Katz, and Nguyen H. Xuong, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 79, 1121-1125 (1982). [pdf]
15. "Synthesis and Spectroscopic Properties of a Novel Cofacial Chlorophyll-Based Dimer", Rodney R. Bucks and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 104, 340-343 (1982). [pdf]
14. "Chlorophyll-Amino Acid Interactions in Synthetic Models", Steven G. Boxer and Rodney R. Bucks, Israel Journal of Chemistry (Special Photosynthesis Issue), 21, 259-264 (1981). [pdf]
13. "Solution Properties of Synthetic Chlorophyllide- and Bacteriochlorophyllide - apomyoglobin Complexes", Steven G. Boxer, and Karen A. Wright, Biochemistry, 20, 7546-7556 (1981). [pdf]
10. "A Report on Picosecond Studies of Electron Transfer in Photosynthetic Models", T.L. Netzel, R.R. Bucks, S.G. Boxer, and J. Fujita, in Picosecond Phenomena II, R. M. Hochstrasser, W. Kaiser, and C.V. Shank, Eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1980, pp. 322-326.
9. "The Effect of Large Magnetic Fields and the g-factor Difference On the Triplet Population in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers", Christopher E.D. Chidsey, Mark G. Roelofs, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 74, 113-118 (1980). [pdf]
8. "Preparation and Properties of a Chlorophyllide-apomyoglobin Complex", Steven G. Boxer and Karen A. Wright, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101, 6791-6794 (1979). [pdf]
7. "Chromophore Organization in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers: High Resolution Magneto-Photoselection", Steven G. Boxer and Mark G. Roelofs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A., 76, 5636-5640 (1979).[pdf]
6. "A Structural Model for the Photosynthetic Reaction Center", Steven G. Boxer and Rodney R. Bucks, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101, 1883-1885 (1979). [pdf]
5. "Photoprocesses in Covalently Linked Pyrochlorophyllide Dimer: Triplet State Formation and Opening and Closing of Hydroxylic Linkages", N. Periasany, H. Linschitz, G.L. Closs, and S.G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, U.S.A. 75, 2563-2566 (1978). [pdf]
3. "A Covalently Bound Dimeric Derivative of Pyrochlorophyllide a. A Possible Model for Reaction Center Chlorophyll", S.G. Boxer and G.L. Closs, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 98, 5406-5408 (1976). [pdf]
1. "The Effect of Magnesium Coordination on the 13C and 15N Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Chlorophyll a. The Relative Energies of Nitrogen np* States as Deduced from a Complete Assignment of Chemical Shifts", S.G. Boxer, G.L. Closs, and J.J. Katz, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 96, 7058-7066 (1974). [pdf]