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209."Proximal Ligand Motions in H93G Myoglobin", Stefan Franzen, Eric S. Peterson, Derek Brown, Joel M. Friedman, Melissa R. Thomas and Steven G. Boxer, Eur. J. Biochem., 269, 4879-4886 (2002). [pdf]


204. "FTIR and Resonance Raman Studies of Nitric Oxide Binding to H93G Cavity Mutants of Myoglobin", Melissa R. Thomas, Derek Brown, Stefan Franzen, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 40, 15047-15056 (2001). [pdf]


197. "19F NMR of Trifluoroacetyl-Labeled Cysteine Mutants of Myoglobin: Structural Probes of Nitric Oxide Bound to the H93G Cavity Mutant", Melissa R. Thomas and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 40, 8588-8596 (2001). [pdf]


195. "A Photolysis-Triggered Heme Ligand Switch in H93G Myoglobin", Stefan Franzen, James Bailey, R. Brian Dyer, William H. Woodruff, Robert B. Hu, Melissa R. Thomas, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 40, 5299-5305 (2001).[pdf]


188. "The H93G Myoglobin Cavity Mutant as a Versatile Template for Modeling Heme Proteins: Ferrous, Ferric, and Ferryl Mixed-Ligand Complexes with Imidazole in the Cavity", Alycen E. Pond, Mark P. Roach, Melissa R. Thomas, Steven G. Boxer, and John H. Dawson, Inorganic Chemistry, 39, 6061-6066 (2000). [pdf]


186. "Vibrational Stark Spectroscopy of NO Bound to Heme: Effects of Protein Electrostatic Fields on the NO Stretch Frequency", Eun Sun Park, Melissa R. Thomas, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, 12297-12303 (2000). [pdf]


184. "Resonance Raman Studies of Heme Axial Ligation in H93G Myoglobin", Stefan Franzen, Steven G. Boxer, R. Brian Dyer, and William H. Woodruff, J. Phys Chem. B, 104, 10359-10367 (2000). [pdf]


177. "The Role of the Distal and Proximal Protein Environments in Controlling the Ferric Spin State and in Stabilizing Thiolate Ligation in Heme Systems: Thiolate Adducts of the Myoglobin H93G Cavity Mutant", Mark P. Roach, Alycen E. Pond, Melissa R. Thomas, Steven G. Boxer, and John H. Dawson, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121, 12088-12093 (1999). [pdf]


176. "Vibrational Stark Spectroscopy in Proteins: A Probe and Calibration for Electrostatic Fields", Eunice Park, Steven Andrews and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 103, 9813-9817 (1999). [pdf]


173. "Hydrogen Bonding Modulates Binding of Exogenous Ligands in a Myoglobin Proximal Cavity Mutant", Sean M. Decatur, Kristin L. Belcher, Paula K. Rickert, Stefan Franzen, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 38, 11086-11092 (1999). [pdf]


172. "Assignment of the Heme Axial Ligand(s) for the Ferric Myoglobin (H93G) and Heme Oxygenase (H25A) Cavity Mutants as Oxygen Donors Using Magnetic Circular Dichroism", Alycen E. Pond, Mark P. Roach, Masanori Sono, Ann Huff Rux, Stefan Franzen, Robert Hu, Melissa R. Thomas, Angela Wilks, Masao Ikeda-Saito, Paul R. Ortiz de Montellano, William H. Woodruff, Steven G. Boxer, John H. Dawson, Biochemistry, 38, 7601-7608 (1999). [pdf]


169. "Stark Effect Spectroscopy of the Heme Charge Transfer Bands of Deoxymyoglobin", Stefan Franzen, Laura J. Moore, William H. Woodruff, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemisty, 103, 3070-3072 (1999). [pdf]


157. "Dynamics of Myoglobin-CO with the Proximal Histidine Removed: Vibrational Echo Experiments", K.D. Rector, J.R. Engholm, J.R. Hill, D.J. Myers, R. Hu, Steven G. Boxer, Dana D. Dlott, M.D. Fayer, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102, 331-333 (1998). [pdf]


155. "Thiolate Adducts of the Myoglobin Cavity Mutant H93G as Models for Cytochrome P-450", Mark P. Roach, Stefan Franzen, Phillip S.H. Pang, William H. Woodruff, Steven G. Boxer, and John H. Dawson, in Oxygen Homeostasis and Its Dynamics, T. Ishimura, H. Shimada, and M. Suematsu, Eds., Springer-Verlag:Tokyo, pp. 172-180 (1997).


144. "On the Origin of Heme Absorption Band Shifts and Associated Protein Structural Relaxation in Myoglobin Following Flash Photolysis", Stefan Franzen and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272, 9655-9660 (1997). [pdf]


135. "Vibrational Dynamics of Carbon Monoxide at the Active Sites of Mutant Heme Proteins", Jeffrey R. Hill, Dana D. Dlott, C. W. Rella, Kristen A. Peterson, Sean M. Decatur, Steven G. Boxer, and Michael D. Fayer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100, 12100-12107 (1996). [pdf]


131. "Trans Effects in Nitric Oxide Binding to Myoglobin Cavity Mutant H93G", Sean M. Decatur, Stefan Franzen, Gia D. DePillis, R. Brian Dyer, William H. Woodruff, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 35, 4939-4944 (1996). [pdf]


130. "Modulation of Protein Function by Exogenous Ligands in Protein Cavities: CO Binding to a Myoglobin Cavity Mutant Containing Unnatural Proximal Ligands", Sean M. Decatur, Gia D. DePillis, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 35, 3925-3932 (1996). [pdf]


126. "A Test of the Role of Electrostatic Interactions in Determining the CO Stretch Frequency in Carbonmonoxymyoglobin", Sean M. Decatur and Steven G. Boxer, Biochimica Biophysica Research Communications, 212, 159-164 (1995). [pdf]


125. "Functional Aspects of Ultra-rapid Heme Doming in Hemoglobin, Myoglobin, and the Myoglobin Mutant H93G", Stefan Franzen, Bridgett Bohn, Claude Poyart, Gia DePillis, Steven G. Boxer, and Jean-Louis Martin, Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270, 1718-1720 (1995). [pdf]


123. "1H NMR Characterization of Myoglobins Where Exogenous Ligands Replace the Proximal Histidine", Sean M. Decatur and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 34, 2122-2129 (1995). [pdf]


119. "Casting a Cold Eye over Myoglobin", Steven G. Boxer and Philip A. Anfinrud, Nature Structural Biology, 1, 749-751 (1994). [pdf]


118. "Spectroscopic Study of Ser92 Mutants of Human Myoglobin: Hydrogen Bonding Effect of Ser92 to Proximal His93 on Structure and Property of Myoglobin", Yoshitsugu Shiro, Tetsutaro Iizuka, Koji Marubayashi, Takashi Ogura, Teizo Kitagawa, Sriram Balasubramanian, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 33, 14986-14992 (1994). [pdf]


117. "Functional Cavities in Proteins: A General Method for Proximal Ligand Substitution in Myoglobin", Gia D. DePillis, Sean M. Decatur, Doug Barrick, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 116, 6981-6982 (1994). [pdf]


115. "Determination of the Carbon Monoxide Binding Constants of Myoglobin Mutants: Comparison of Kinetic and Equilibrium Methods", Sriram Balasubramanian, David G. Lambright, Joe H. Simmons, Stanley J. Gill, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 33, 8355-8360 (1994). [pdf]


114. "Anatomy and Dynamics of a Ligand-Binding Pathway in Myoglobin: The Roles of Residues 45, 60, 64 and 68", David G. Lambright, Sriram Balasubramanian, Sean M. Decatur, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 33, 5518-5525 (1994). [pdf]


112. "Ultrafast Measurements of Geminate Recombination of NO with Site-specific Mutants of Human Myoglobin", J. W. Petrich, J.-C. Lambay, Sriram Balasubramanian, David G. Lambright, Steven G. Boxer, and J.L. Martin , Journal of Molecular Biology, 238, 437-444 (1994). [pdf]


111. "Discovery of New Ligand Binding Pathways in Myoglobin by Random Mutagenesis", Xiaohua Huang and Steven G. Boxer, Structural Biology, 1, 226-229 (1994). [pdf]


107. "Dynamics of Protein Relaxation in Site-Specific Mutants of Human Myoglobin", David G. Lambright, Sriram Balasubramanian, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry 32, 10116-10124 (1993). [pdf]


105. "Perturbations of the Distal Heme Pocket in Human Myoglobin Mutants Probed by Infrared Spectroscopy of Bound CO: Correlation with Ligand Binding Kinetics", Sriram Balasubramanian, David G. Lambright and Steven G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 90, 4718-4722 (1993). [pdf]


102. "CO Recombination to Human Myoglobin Mutants in Glycerol-Water Solutions", Sriram Balasubramanian, David G. Lambright, Michael C. Marden, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 32, 2202-2212 (1993). [pdf]


96. "Selective Examination of Heme Protein Azide Ligand-Distal Globin Interactions Vibrational Circular Dichroism", Richard W. Bormett, Sanford A. Asher, Peter J. Larkin, William G. Gustafson, N. Ragunathan, T eresa B. Freedman, Laurence A. Nafie, Sriram Balasubramanian, Steven G. Boxer, Nai-Teng Yu, Klaus Gersonde, Robert W. Noble, Barry A. Springer, and Stephen G. Sligar, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 114, 6864-6867 (1992). [pdf]


92. "Dielectric Relaxation in a Protein Matrix", Daniel Pierce and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Physical Chemistry, 96, 5560-5566 (1992). [pdf]


87. "Protein Relaxation Dynamics in Human Myoglobin", David G. Lambright, Sriram Balasubramanian, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics, 158, 249-260 (1991). [pdf]


74. "X-ray Crystal Structure of a Mutant Recombinant Human Myoglobin at 2.8Å Resolution", Steven R. Hubbard, Wayne A. Hendrickson, David G. Lambright and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Molecular Biology, 213, 215-218 (1990).[pdf]


62. "Electrostatic Interactions in Wild Type and Mutant Recombinant Human Myoglobins", Raghavan Varadarajan, David G. Lambright and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 28, 3771-3781 (1989). [pdf]


61. "Ligand and Proton Exchange Dynamics in Recombinant Human Myoglobin Mutants", David G. Lambright, Sriram Balasubramanian, and Steven G. Boxer, Journal of Molecular Biology, 207, 289-299 (1989). [pdf]


57. "Effects of Buried Ionizable Amino Acids on the Reduction Potential of Recombinant Myoglobin", Raghavan Varadarajan, Thomas E. Zewart, Harry B. Gray, and Steven G. Boxer, Science, 243, 69-73 (1989). [pdf]


42. "Nonphotochemical Holeburning in a Protein Matrix: Chlorophyllide in Apomyoglobin", Steven G. Boxer, David Gottfried, David Lockhart, and Tom Middendorf, Journal of Chemical Physics, 86, 2439-2441 (1987). [pdf]


36. "Structure and Energetics in Reaction Centers and Semi-Synthetic Chlorophyll Protein Complexes", Steven G. Boxer, in Antennas and Reaction Centers of Photosynthetic Bacteria - Structure, Interactions, and Dynamics, M.E. Michel-Beyerle, editor, Series in Chemical Physics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 306-313 (1985).


34. "Cloning, Expression in E. coli, and Reconstitution of Human Myoglobin", Raghavan Varadarajan, Alex Szabo, and Steven G. Boxer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S.A., 82, 5681-5684 (1985). [pdf]


29. "Excitation Transport and Trapping in a Synthetic Chlorophyllide Substituted Hemoglobin: The Orientation of the Chlorophyll S1 Transition Dipole", Richard S. Moog, Atsuo Kuki, M.D. Fayer, and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 23, 1564-1571 (1984). [pdf]


25. "Chlorophyllide-substituted Hemoglobin Tetramers and Hybrids: Preparation, Properties and Energy Transfer", Atsuo Kuki and Steven G. Boxer, Biochemistry, 22, 2923-2933 (1983). [pdf]


23. "Investigation of the Lowest Triplet State of the Pyrochlorophyllide a- Apomyoglobin Complex by Zero-field Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance", Richard H. Clarke, Eugene B. Hanlon, and Steven G. Boxer, Chemical Physics Letters, 89, 41-44 (1982). [pdf]


16. "Oriented Properties of the Chlorophylls: Electronic Absorption Spectroscopy of Orthorhombic Pyrochlorophyllide a-apomyoglobin Single Crystals", Steven G. Boxer, Atsuo Kuki, Karen A. Wright, Bradley A. Katz, and Nguyen H. Xuong, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 79, 1121-1125 (1982). [pdf]


13. "Solution Properties of Synthetic Chlorophyllide- and Bacteriochlorophyllide - apomyoglobin Complexes", Steven G. Boxer, and Karen A. Wright, Biochemistry, 20, 7546-7556 (1981). [pdf]


8. "Preparation and Properties of a Chlorophyllide-apomyoglobin Complex", Steven G. Boxer and Karen A. Wright, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 101, 6791-6794 (1979). [pdf]

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